What is all common with all of these writings? That is right: Everything is about myself. If I am too occupied with thinking about ME and exclusively ME then I will only think in matters of ME. just me. s-o this means that I am going to become egocentric... not that i already am. i find it quite obvious that i am an egocentric person because of one important thing...! and that is:: TRYING TO FIT IN!! hheheeheheh so gay. that is gay. yu must know this: act like yourself. be ourselv. but sometimes ebeing th person you actuallhy ar ie si not good becsu your nital self is a unlikeable person so hen.. you know what we do??? we MASK. its a common defense mecahnism because um. its a mechanism. thats why. and it is helpful. for me, ive always masked because it is easy to do. i senjndfjhjljrsb

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